2ª convocatoria abierta AMULET: oportunidades para pymes en los sectores de automoción, energía, construcción, aeroespacial y aeronáutico

The H2020-INNOSUP-1 project AMULET published its second and last call for cascade funding for SMEs, with a budget of 1.193 M euros.

The goal of AMULET is to create new value chains through projects that will foster the penetration of advanced lightweight materials in four sectors:

  • automotive

  • aerospace and aeronautics

  • energy

  • building

Projects should be submitted by consortia of a minimum of 2 SMEs (from EU 27, UK and H2020 associate countries) and address one of the challenges pre-identified by AMULET. 

With this call, AMULET will select up to 36 projects invited to a Jury Day, from which up to 26 will pass to the AMULET programme support services, and out of them, up to 7 will complete the full programme, following a funnel approach:

  • up to 26 consortia (2-3 SMEs) to submit a feasibility study: 23,000 €

  • up to 7 consortia (2-3 SMEs) to demonstrate their solutions: 80,000 €

  • up to 7 consortia (2-3 SMEs) to get follow-up support services: 17,000 €

The deadline for the call is 22 March 2023.

More information: galacteaplus@galacteaplus.es